The history of Piwnica Rycerska

Source: The Museum them by A. Kłosiński in Kety
There are places that retain their identity for centuries. There are people who are able to combine respect for the history of passion with respect for tradition .
Kety is a small middle-class town surrounded by river Sola and position at the crossroads: From Krakow to Moravia and Venice, from Krakow to Lviv and Silesia. The mail stagecoach has worked here since the seventeenth century, this way in the nineteenth century imperial turn led trail. Roads to the world reinforced the development of a small town. The town was founded in 1277. Through the centuries, through the work of residents living with a rich craft and trade. They always offered a welcoming hospitality. Enrolled in the history of Polish Jan Kanty not the only one, but also, from Kety, the first poets who wrote in Latin: Matthew and Walenty about the city in 1913-1916, wrote memoirs of Captain Tadeusz Furgalski titled "Wyrwa", praising the peace and numerous feasts with the locals. Hawełka Antoni also came from Kety, who in 1876 opened a shop in Krakow known as "Under the Palm" and later famous restaurant Hawełka. Before the war in Kety there were a dozen different restaurants: brethren Seibothow, Maciejczyk, Adamski and Ringer. He talks about the rich history of the city at different times. Kety has always been known for its hospitality and the place where you can relax.

The idea for the Rycerska Cellar was created with the characteristics of the town. The location of this building was one of the first brick houses, built after the great fire in 1798. Kety at that point had famous people/ companies such as David Israelera Jewish trade, and the company shoemaker Zimmer, and the post-war trade Peszata Lord
After the war, the almost exclusive destination for the celebration-established here idyll lounge and club that met the functions of the present House of Culture. In the "Sielanka" as it was called, there were organized evenings, lectures, chess tournaments, meetings with writers, social activists who were trying to amateur theater.
Today, the most well-known and appreciated restaurant and hotel is: RYCERSKA BASEMENT. Considerable efforts, with the vast meticulously restored interior. This cellar- the most precious place- refers to the ambitious intention- chivalry. This reference is the message of the imagination. The place superbly restored is almost exactly as in the historical transmission- PEOPLE. For both the visitors and those who live here.
Source: The Museum in Kety